Input File#


The input file is simply a text file containing runtime variables. Variables are collected in to groups of similar variables. The group name is inside brackets, [], and the corresponding variables are below it. For example, the control group might contain,

    calculation     = 'binned_scatter_rate'
    run_description = 'example_1'
    out_folder      = './examples/1/output/'

The description of all the groups, along with their their variables and default values, is given below.

While most variables take a singular value, some accept an array. The dimensions of the input array must match that specified by Dim in the variable description. For example, a_vecs_Ang in the material group has Dim: [3, 3], and therefore the input must be specified as a \(3 \times 3\) matrix. This can be done in two ways: placing the rows side by side, e.g.,

a_vecs_Ang = 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1

for the identity matrix, or with the += operator (the preferred method for matrix inputs for readability),

a_vecs_Ang  = 1, 0, 0
a_vecs_Ang += 0, 1, 0
a_vecs_Ang += 0, 0, 1

A colon in Dim signifies that the variable accepts an array of any size. For example, mX in the dm_model group has Dim: [:], meaning that a list of variables is accepted,

mX = 1e6, 1e7, 1e8, ...

A mixed dimension, e.g., Dim: [:, 3] means that any number of length 3 vectors may be specified. For example, v_e_km_per_sec in the astroph_model group may be specified as

v_e_km_per_sec  = 0, 0, 230
v_e_km_per_sec += 0, 0, 240
v_e_km_per_sec += 0, 0, 250

See for more details concerning the input format.



  • v_0_km_per_sec: Dark matter SHM velocity distribution parameter, \(v_0\).

    • Units: \(\text{km}/\text{s}\)

    v_0_km_per_sec = 2.300000E+02
  • v_e_km_per_sec: List of Earth velocity vectors, \(\mathbf{v}_e\).

    • Units: \(\text{km}/\text{s}\)
    • Dim: [ : , 3]

    v_e_km_per_sec = 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 2.400000E+02
  • v_esc_km_per_sec: Dark matter SHM velocity distribution parameter, \(v_\mathrm{esc}\).

    • Units: \(\text{km}/\text{s}\)

    v_esc_km_per_sec = 6.000000E+02
  • vel_distribution_name: Specify the velocity distribution to use in the calculation.

    vel_distribution_name = 'SHM'


  • calculation: Which calculation to perform

    calculation = ''
  • default_input_markdown_filename: Filename to store default input parameters in markdown format to

    default_input_markdown_filename = './'
  • input_markdown_filename: Filename to store input parameters in markdown format to

    input_markdown_filename = './'
  • out_folder: Folder to store the ouput data

    out_folder = './'
  • run_description: Small description of calculation which will be appended to ‘EXDM_out_’ to set the output filename

    run_description = ''
  • save_default_inputs_markdown: Toggle to save the default input parameters to a markdown file

    save_default_inputs_markdown = F
  • save_inputs_markdown: Toggle to save the input parameters to a markdown file

    save_inputs_markdown = F
  • verbose: Toggle output printing to the console

    verbose = T


  • FIF_id: Form factor ID to compute for

    FIF_id = 'SI'
  • mX: Dark matter masses, \(m_\chi\)

    • Units: \(\text{eV}\)
    • Dim: [ : ]

    mX = 0.000000E+00
  • mX_linspace: Add \(N\) linearly spaced dark matter masses between \(m_\text{min}\) and \(m_\text{max}\): [\(N\), \(m_\text{min}\), \(m_\text{max}\)]

    • Units: [-, \(\text{eV}\), \(\text{eV}\)]
    • Dim: [3]

    mX_linspace = 0.000000E+00 1.000000E+00 1.000000E+00
  • mX_logspace: Add \(N\) logarithmically spaced dark matter masses between \(m_\text{min}\)and \(m_\text{max}\): [\(N\), \(m_\text{min}\), \(m_\text{max}\)]

    • Units: [-, \(\text{eV}\), \(\text{eV}\)]
    • Dim: [3]

    mX_logspace = 0.000000E+00 1.000000E+00 1.000000E+00
  • med_FF: Mediator form factor powers, \(\beta\)

    • Formula: \(\mathcal{F}_\text{med} = \left( \frac{\alpha m_e}{q} \right)^\beta\)
    • Dim: [ : ]

    med_FF = 0.000000E+00
  • particle_type: Type of incoming dark matter particle

    particle_type = 'fermion'
  • rho_X_GeV_per_cm3: Local dark matter density

    • Units: \(\text{GeV}/\text{cm}^3\)

    rho_X_GeV_per_cm3 = 4.000000E-01


  • filename: File containing the electronic configuration

    filename = ''


  • M_kg: Mass of the experimental target

    • Units: \(\text{kg}\)

    M_kg = 1.000000E+00
  • T_year: Exposure time of the experimental target

    • Units: \(\text{yr}\)

    T_year = 1.000000E+00


  • a_vecs_Ang: Lattice vectors of the target material, \(\mathbf{a}_i\)

    • Units: \(\text{Å}\)
    • Dim: [3, 3]

    a_vecs_Ang = 1.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 1.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 1.000000E+00
  • band_gap: Band gap of the target material, \(E_g\)

    • Units: \(\text{eV}\)

    band_gap = 0.000000E+00
  • materials_project_ID: Materials Project ID of the target material

    materials_project_ID = ''
  • n_T_g_per_cm3_per_AMU: Number density of the target material, \(n_T\)

    • Units: \(\text{g}/\text{cm}^3/\text{AMU}\)

    n_T_g_per_cm3_per_AMU = 1.000000E+00
  • name: Name of the target material

    name = ''
  • rho_T_g_per_cm3: Mass density of the target material, \(\rho_T\)

    • Units: \(\text{g}/\text{cm}^3\)

    rho_T_g_per_cm3 = 1.000000E+00


  • integration_scheme: Specific method of sampling the radial direction.

    integration_scheme = 'log'
  • n_r: Number of radial points to integrate with.

    n_r = 1
  • r_max_a0: Maximum radius to use in the integration, in units of the Bohr radius, \(a_0\).

    • [\(a_0\)]

    r_max_a0 = 1.000000E+03
  • r_min_a0: Minimum radius to use in the integration, in units of the Bohr radius, \(a_0\).

    • [\(a_0\)]

    r_min_a0 = 1.000000E-03


  • smear_type: Defines broadening behavior for the imaginary part of the Greens function

    smear_type = 'lorentz'
  • widths: List of widths, \(\delta \, [\text{eV}]\), to compute for, parameterized as [\(a\), \(b\), \(c\)]

    • Formula: \(\delta = \text{min}(a + b \omega, c)\)
    • Units: [\(\text{eV}\), -, \(\text{eV}\)]
    • Dim: [ : , 3]

    widths = 0.000000E+00 1.000000E-01 1.000000E+02


  • E_bin_width: Width of bins in \(\omega\) space

    • Units: \(\text{eV}\)

    E_bin_width = 1.000000E+00
  • n_E_bins: Number of bins in \(\omega\) space

    n_E_bins = 1
  • n_q_bins: Number of bins in \(q\) space

    n_q_bins = 1
  • q_bin_width: Width of bins in \(q\) space

    • Units: \(\text{keV}\)

    q_bin_width = 1.000000E+00


  • E_bin_width: Width of bins in \(\omega\) space

    • Units: \(\text{eV}\)

    E_bin_width = 1.000000E+00
  • eta: Parameter controlling the small \(q\) approximation for the dielectric.

    eta = 1.000000E-01
  • n_E_bins: Number of bins in \(\omega\) space

    n_E_bins = 1
  • n_q_bins: Number of bins in \(q\) space

    n_q_bins = 1
  • n_q_phi: Number of bins in \(\phi_\mathbf{q}\)

    n_q_phi = 1
  • n_q_theta: Number of bins in \(\theta_\mathbf{q}\)

    n_q_theta = 1
  • q_bin_width: Width of bins in \(q\) space

    • Units: \(\text{keV}\)

    q_bin_width = 1.000000E+00
  • smear_type: Defines broadening behavior for the imaginary part of the Greens function.

    smear_type = 'lorentz'
  • widths: List of widths, \(\delta \, [\text{eV}]\), to compute for, parameterized as [\(a\), \(b\), \(c\)]

    • Formula: \(\delta = \text{min}(a + b \omega, c)\)
    • Units: [\(\text{eV}\), -, \(\text{eV}\)]
    • Dim: [ : , 3]

    widths = 0.000000E+00 1.000000E-01 1.000000E+02


  • E_bin_width: Width of bins in \(\omega\) space

    • Units: \(\text{eV}\)

    E_bin_width = 1.000000E+00
  • alpha: Shape parameter for analytic screening

    alpha = 1.000000E+00
  • dielectric_filename: Location of the numerically computed dielectric to use as the screening factor.

    dielectric_filename = ''
  • e0: Static dielectric parameter for analytic screening

    e0 = 1.000000E+00
  • omega_p: Plasma frequency parameter for analytic screening

    omega_p = 1.000000E+00
  • q_bin_width: Width of bins in \(q\) space

    • Units: \(\text{keV}\)

    q_bin_width = 1.000000E+00
  • q_tf: Thomas-Fermi momentum parameter for analytic screening

    q_tf = 1.000000E+00
  • type: Model to use for the screening factor. Default is a screening factor of \(1\) (no screening).

    type = ''
  • width_id: Width ID of the dielectric to use. Dielectric will be taken from ‘dielectric/width_<width_id>’inside ‘dielectric_filename’

    width_id = 1